Collaborative Networks involve a convergence of technologies, including wireless communications, media and entertainment broadcasting and multi-casting, social media networks, managed networks, land and maritime communications, satellite, interactive video, enterprise extranets, process improvement and automation, collaborative workflows, and language translation.
Our ability to communicate on a global level is increasing geometrically. Our planet is becoming more and more connected. It is our desire to see that develop more with a bottom-up philosophy that empowers each person connected, building upon each other’s efforts, developing a win-win approach to collaborating, and working together to make our planet a better place for all.
There are pros and cons to the world becoming a more connected place. The United States has enjoyed a certain amount of isolation that has protected our borders, and allowed a freedom that has fostered success in business, ease of movement and entry in the marketplace, and maintained, until recently, a reasonable level of privacy.
Global connection changes everything. It allows us to collaborate and build upon each other’s efforts, instead of re-inventing the wheel, but also increases security risks. It allows for concurrent processes and real-time workflows. We can obtain immediate information. When we talk with someone on the phone, we can do light “due diligence” over the internet. We are able to multi- task on projects, talking while texting or chatting, emailing, searching, running apps. We effectively kill many birds with one stone, so to speak. All because … speed happens.
When building any type of collaborative system, you have to connect efficiently, however, you also need to collect information from one another in a centralized system, in order to utilize it for the benefit of those on the system. It must be safe, not giving information to the wrong people, but be capable of crunching information in actionable ways to accomplish tasks and manage knowledge … quicker, more intuitively and with greater efficiency.
The world changer: Leveraging Technology’s collaborative networks focus on a specific function, like a type of business, an industry, a common process, a procedure, an operation, a service or a function. The network collaboratively ties all the people associated with that function together, so that improvements are shared, workflows are concurrent in real time, everyone’s expertise sharpens and views are adapted to maximize each responsibility. On-the job training increases everyone’s excellence, roles are continually assessed and evaluated for increased performance, graphics and video interfaces are used to view knowledge visually and interactively communicate, and a command center dashboard is utilized to summarize status at any point of time.
Various views utilize new smart glass graphics displays that give quick grasp of operations, so each person can multitask efficiently and coordinate with others on the network. It’s a completely different way of computers empowering you collectively, and collectively empowering the group to accomplish greater things than they ever could individually, retaining their personal identity, power and freedom, working together for “amazing good,” and collaborating mutually on something bigger than themselves. Each person owns a part of the network, and as it grows in value, everyone shares in that profit. Common tasks, like transferring funds or billing, are automated, contracts are quickly edited and executed, services are shared to lower costs … and everyone profits.
Collaborative networks have the potential to create quantum jumps in our productivity and profitability for everyone involved on these systems, if they are designed for mutual empowerment, efficient in widely adopted collaboration, sharing process improvement and management of knowledge.
Computers are primarily linear in their incredible crunching power, far faster than the human mind. But, the human mind is much better at simultaneous processing, giving us creativity and context. Collaborative networks function more like the neurally networked human mind, utilizing the processing power of computing, but harnessing the collaborative power of coordinating in common causes, without re-inventing the wheel. We can have the power to change things in our world we never thought possible.
To do this, people need to see the value of being on a collaborative network for some purpose, contributing to it, then using that connectivity and knowledge to collaborate for mutual good. For instance, Facebook is a social network where hundreds of millions easily and quickly find and share with their friends online, but as of yet, it does not harness the power of many to do amazing good.
Leveraging Technology is creating collaborative networks to do just that … “to harness the power of many to do amazing good.”